Sunday, November 23, 2008

Christmas on Sanibel

Despite the allure of the legendary White Christmas, Sanibel offers a wonderfully green and peaceful "fifth season" for those who choose to spend their holiday on the island.

We call it the fifth season as it is like no other. The month of December is full of gifts and surprises from those living and working on Sanibel Island. Kicked off with a Luminaria Festival in early December where beautiful luminaria line Periwinkle and the surrounding streets, the Festival bills itself as a gift to the community.

During the Festival, residents and visitors are able to travel through more than three miles of lighted luminaries to visit stores, shops and restaurants all beautifully decorated in their best holiday finery. The "attendees" of the Festival are also able to enjoy refreshments and live music. The festivities start at dusk and end approximately 9:30pm.

Stay tuned to this blog for more information on the fifth and best season on Sanibel.

If you have not yet planned for your Christmas week on Sanibel Island, you will find several convincing reasons for doing so posted here.


Becka said...

I can't wait to hear more about Sanibel during the holidays...just in case you have some hidden secrets I am not yet aware of! I have enjoyed luminary many times since living here and ALWAYS enjoy it. I especially love taking the trolly to the different stops on the Island. Dan at Suncatcher's Dream (near Over Easy Cafe) puts on a wonderful event!

Samba said...

Thanks for sharing, Becka!

I am not sure I have any secrets to reveal, but I think I have some pretty good reasons why people should consider vacationing on Sanibel for Christmas!

More shortly......